Labor, Love and Leadership


As we approach the upcoming holiday “Labor Day” I ask you what this holiday truly means to you personally.  The day is typically associated with family gatherings, barbecues, picnics, parades and festivities.  Realistically, what are we celebrating.

The holiday became official in the late 19th century.  Labor Day, an annual celebration of workers and their achievements, originated during one of American labor history’s most dismal chapters.  Workers felt they were not appreciated, nor were they paid fairly.  So where was the love and leadership?

We have come a long way from the days of the Industrial Revolution.  Transformation has taken place in many companies with the focus of having a culture of appreciation supported by engagement for employees.

We know when an employee feels seen, heard, appreciated and respected then their job is rarely viewed as ‘labor’.  The job becomes something they love!  Appreciation and respect from leadership also brings purpose to why we do what we do every day.  It is not always the task that is important but the meaning behind it and who we serve.  Bottom line, we all want to know that our work matters.

As we serve others, please think of Labor Day as a celebration of the growth of others regardless of role, title or significance as viewed by others.  We all need each other and strong leadership to have an effective team and business.  Every role plays an intrinsic part in our lives.

I am fortunate that I love what I do!!  It is not a labor but a love.  I inspire leaders of all shapes and sizes to make a difference in the lives of others by sharing the principles of authenticity and humility and have the courage to say what they are thinking.

So, appreciate someone this week like you have never appreciated them before.  See the smile on their face or feel the warmth that enters their heart.  Go ahead, give it a try.  Remember, this isn’t for you…it is for those who work with you and/or follow you.

What would the relationships around you be like if you showed more appreciation and recognition for other’s efforts?  Would your work environment be a place where everyone loved to be present?  I encourage you to try it out and experience your own revolution.


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