A Day of Development – THE LEADERSHIP Development Day


“Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” 

~ Jack Welch

Now is the time to develop as a leader, owner, parent, entrepreneur etc. Why?  The world and country today needs us to cultivate not only our skills but our minds so that we can give space to our hearts to flourish and be seen. How did we get here? Think about it. We got ourselves here. By being unaware, stubborn, unloving, and stuck in our ways. It was the perfect storm and we are in need of some major shifts and adjustments. 

What if we all became just a bit more selfless, loving, caring, and considerate?  What if we collectively decided that mankind is about being kind to one another?  What is more important to a leader than those they serve?  What is more important to a parent than their children?  What is more important to an owner/entrepreneur than his/her employees and clients?

Leaders Serving Leaders

Aden Leadership is excited to invite you to THE LEADERSHIP Development Day on Thursday, February 4th from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.  We welcome you to spend the day listening and learning from talented speakers, coaches, consultants and successful professionals as they tell their powerful stories. Why tell stories and share the gifts of one’s success through hard work and experience?

I had a dream several months ago about producing a leadership conference unlike any other.  Where the speakers are sharing rather than telling; they are serving and guiding rather than reminding you how wonderful they are.  There will be no panels where people are pontificating about their glorious selves. Instead we, and the speakers, will be asking you to shift in the moment to be better at your craft, to be more powerful as a human being.

I am creating this day of development in the spirit of service, to serve, guide and elevate everyone that tunes in for all or a portion of the day.  Those who have seen the speaker line-up have commented that it will be almost impossible to not evolve or have their heart opened up if you are present at all during the day.

Taking A Step Towards Growth

My ask is that you consider what you want for 2021 and what you are willing to do to get there.  I guarantee that if you are present for 50% or more of THE LEADERSHIP Development Day you will have significant shifts. The intention and time that you put just towards being there at the day and wanting to grow, is progress already! You will have a chance to grow in the moment by learning from other’s struggles and challenges. Listen to how they got to that place and how they left the places that didn’t serve them or their own development.

You will be inspired and motivated to apply new ways of looking at your life and make subtle shifts that will make you and everyone around you better! A better leader, parent, and guide to the people you serve. What the world needs to know is love, sweet love.  Meanwhile, let’s decide that we must be more aware, patient and tuned in to what others around us want and need from us as leaders. Ask yourself, what do you need from yourself?  Are you up to being challenged?  Are you willing to take a long look in the mirror and decide you are good but you can be and do better?

Register now and join us on  Tuesday, February 4th at THE LEADERSHIP Development Day

In service, 


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The Future of Leadership Development

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