Will You Break the Chain?


I believe that I can become better, and as I think about how I can become better in all aspects of my life I realize judging less and loving more is simply the answer. When I’m triggered and realize I’m getting ready to say something that is not serving, kind, nor nice, do I pause and ask myself “will this help or will this make things worse?”

A Place Of Heart

When I think about the time I’m with my boys and how I communicate with them, I am constantly asking myself and them, “how may I be a better father today?” I ask this question from my heart and a genuine desire to be a better leader for them that day and in that moment. Coming from a place of heart versus the head has served me well over these past several years. Too many of us, especially those who know they are influential leaders, spend way too much time north of our shoulders instead of a few inches below where the real juice in our life begins. When decisions are founded by the intentions from the heart we stay true to our authentic self and recognize the compassion in the situation. I have been able to connect more with my boys and be a better father to them because of this.

I have long believed that our heart has more influence over our beliefs than our heads do, our beliefs impact our language and behavior, and our behaviors mold our relationships. So from our heart, our relationships are built, and through actions and communication we decide the forms that our relationships take.

Find Your Own Why

My boys, Brooks and Jackson, mean the world to me as I’m sure your children mean the world to you. So why do we so often lead with our fingers pointed from our head instead of our heart? Is it because we need to be right or heard? Let us take a moment before any fingers are pointed and think about what the true reason for being a parent and being a leader is. Is it purely to have power over others or is it to serve those following you and prepare them for what is next? I encourage you to find your own why and it will strengthen the relationship you have with those you have set off to serve. In no instance is leadership more profound than with your children as your followers. Give them the courtesy of occurring as your true self with your values set.

Simple as the days of ‘follow the leader’, these followers are watching you and need your leadership. Unlike any other time in our life is it time for leaders to step up and lead with heart and genuine compassion.

So my question for you, will you break The Chain and become the leader your children and followers want and the one your own leader(s) were not for you? Your followers deserve your emotion just as much as your intelligence.

Break the chain, have fun and truly love those you lead. People just may remember you!

“I don’t always know the right thing to do in a situation. So, when I am stuck I ask myself, ‘What is the most loving thing I can do at this moment?’ And that’s what I do.”

 ~Katrina Mayer 

In service,


For your listening pleasure:

The Highwomen Cover “The Chain”

Leading From the Heart

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