It’s funny when you are ready for something, then something and/or someone appears. Magical… I am glad you are receiving what you are ready to receive!! Keep the magic alive in your role as a leader.
I often say hello, howdy or hi and the other person just stares back. No reaction. People are consumed with their own agenda completely unaware of those around them until now. Today we are living in an environment of social distancing where we wear a mask in public and we are now in heighten awareness of anyone or everyone who crosses our path. Good perhaps and for a variety of reasons. If nothing else, we now have a new and deeper awareness of surroundings which were once taken for granted.
Yet, when you smile there is a twinkle, a spark that appears in your eyes even a mask cannot hide. The smile from the heart shines loud and clear. I personally have been encouraged to smile more by my team, close friends and my two boys. I am happy for sure. However, how do those looking at you know and feel this?
As a leader we are all challenged with engaging effectively with those we serve. As the weeks pass by it is necessary to identify new creative ways to keep our businesses moving forward, being the role model that our children, our spouses, friends and clients want to experience.
What if you remember… it all begins with a smile? So many individuals are struggling through their day, facing challenges we may not even know and yet your smile will make a difference in that brief moment and perhaps for hours later.
These times are going to allow and require more kindness. Sharing your experiences is a great way to stay connected from the heart (which is where the smiles originate) support how you serve those individuals around you. We are adjusting our daily activities to accommodate requirements we never dreamed would happen in our lives so let’s remember life is worthwhile, you are making a difference with your smile.
Songs to share…….
“Smile” by Nat King Cole
You’ll find that life is still worthwhile, If you just smile
“Walking on Sunshine” by Katrina & The Waves
Walking on sunshine it’s time to feel good…
In service,