Looking Back On THE LEADERSHIP Development Day 2021

Here we are about a week after the inaugural THE LEADERSHIP Development Day. Would we consider it a success? Absolutely. Hundreds of people attended and thousands will feel the ripple effect of what was shared and learned.
All the speakers were poised and eager to present who they are, what they do, but more importantly why they do what they do. We got to hear from people who attended, who said, “I gained insight on how and why to listen better to those around me”, “how to value others on my team, in my circle, organization, and family”. Also how to be a better leader and why, what to let go of, how to address fears and lies, and how to save time by being honest.
“There was truly something for everyone!”
– Julie (Columbus, Oh).
With 16 speakers sharing their souls and “how to” discoveries, plus three other leaders that shared their story virtually with us, it was impossible not to take away something to become a better human being, man, woman, leader, parent, etc.
“Exceeded my expectations. I couldn’t write fast enough.”
– Seasoned Hospitality Professional
“What If?”
So much of this day was to bring together great leaders to serve people in becoming better in what we do and also go beyond the why in why we do what we love. My why to create this day of development in the first place was to answer the question of what if?  What would happen if we create the space for people to grow and learn?Yes, we can all become better leaders but why should we devote the time to do it? Yes, I can try to become a better listener, but why? Yes, I can organize a webinar for people to become better human beings, but why devote my energy to that? My answer was found in every aspect of the day; people matter, the way we treat people matter, and our own growth is dependent on where we spend our time. In order to stay fit as a leader we need to put in the time and effort.
“As a young leader it felt as though they were speaking directly to me at times. Great stuff.”
 – Max (Denver, CO)
Looking Forward
I am inspired to evolve THE LEADERSHIP Development Day year after year to reach more people so that they can spend a full day in a world full of 30-minute, 10-minute meetings or alone time. A full day devoted to becoming better leaders, more intentional performers, and heart-full people.
“I was watching the livestream and I just wish that I could have been in the room because I could feel the passion from the speakers and inspiration from audience members on social media right through the screen.”
– Anayah Tora (Brooklyn, NY)
This day of development is a way to create community again by listening and interacting with people who are ready to share why they do what they do and what they continue to learn from their own growth and development.
If you were not able to attend, please download an edited version on Vimeo. It will be available by Feb 25.
“As the day went on, I felt more and more humbled and inspired by the words of the speakers. I think anyone in the room would agree that you could feel the energy and passion from every single speaker sharing their story. ”
– Greta Hartmann
In service,

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