Leading With Integrity is All about “I”


Leading With Integrity Is All About “i”

Being in Integrity

Integrity starts with self…..who we are BEING at all times.  What we think, what we say and what we do.  Some would say integrity is simply:  I am.

Leading With Integrity Is All About “i”

When we show up as someone who is true to their words, actions and deeds; we can truly become a leader with integrity.  As a Being of integrity, keeping ‘my word’ is where it all begins.

As Michael Jensen states in the attached article:

By failing to honor our word to ourselves, we undermine ourselves as persons of integrity.  If we aren’t serious about this aspect of integrity, it will create “un-workability” in our life:  we will appear to others as inconsistent, unreliable or unpredictable.  You simply cannot be a whole and complete person if you don’t honor your word to yourself.”

I am my word.  My word is my bond.

A few words and a handshake.  This has been the way people have made agreements with each other for centuries.  Living in integrity is honoring your word, but over commitments and a quick promise with no follow-through starts to eat away at that integrity, your word.  As a servant leader, you must be true to yourself in words and deeds, so that you are able to give from the heart.  If your word is not true, your heart can not be fully true either.

Another glimpse of of Michael Jensen’s thoughts:

“If you are serious about being a person of integrity, you will think very carefully before giving your word to anyone or anything, and you will never give your word to two or more things that are mutually inconsistent.”

In today’s political atmosphere of many promises and no focus on delivery, how cool would it be if our vision of leadership reflected consistently the daily heart of I am……..

I am my word

I am my actions

I am my thoughts

I am my authentic self

Which results in

I am an Integral Leader

To read more of the Michael Jensen article, click here: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1511274

How do you keep your word to yourself and to others?  Reply in the comments below.

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