Lead With Heart – The Power of Your Heart


As leaders, we often avoid making true heart centered decisions in the business world with fear we may be viewed as weak or soft.  The fact is no one is asking if you are using your head, your heart or your gut.  I invite you to research some of the greatest leaders of today and yesterday. You will find they lead with a passionate heart guiding the vision of their business and their people.  Notice I didn’t say just the business.  There is no business without the people.  There are no relationships with people without a heart.

Get out of your head, suppress your ego and listen to your heart and you will be surprised how you will provide empowerment for all.  Remember, it is not about you!!

So I ask…what does this truly mean to you in your leadership role and your organization?   When decisions come from the heart you will touch your organization both inside and out.  YOU will make a difference by using all of your natural gifts and abilities which includes knowing from your heart what is right, best and profitable for all.

What you can expect?  The result is increased loyalty, productivity and individuals who feel empowered because they know you care.  They know you see them, appreciated them and believe in their work.

Sounds simple, yet we are reluctant to place ourselves out there.  Putting people and relationships first as a leader is the intelligent way to lead.  You know this in your head but we are afraid.  Why?  Slow down long enough to listen to what matters and the greatest asset of your leadership, the people you serve.  Ask more questions of those you serve and the answers will come pouring out.

In the spirit and honor of Valentine’s day weekend let’s make a difference and allow those you serve in all roles of your life to experience the power of you and your heart.  February 14th has been around for a long time and remembered perhaps forever.  What will you be remembered for as a leader?  Start using your heart more and your followers may actually remember you.


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