It’s Not Time Management, It’s Commitment Leadership


It’s Not Time Management, It’s Commitment Leadership

When we are not clear on what we are committed to, we tend to get over involved.  This is what produces what we call the excuse of not having enough time.

Key distinction:  Involvement and Commitment are not the same thing.

A lack of clear commitments opens the door to the tendency to say yes to too much and say no with less frequency.

If you are 90% committed, then the remaining 10% serves as a breeding ground for excuses and for non-performance.  Being in action, being accountable is the glue that ties commitment to results.


When I am unclear about my commitment, I procrastinate. When I am clear about my commitment, I act.

When I am unclear about my commitment, I talk about my job.  When I am clear about my commitment, I do my job.

When I am unclear about my commitment, I maintain my image.  When I am clear about my commitment, I maintain my integrity.

When I am unclear about my commitment, I play it safe. When I am clear about my commitment, I empower others.

When I am unclear about my commitment, I am dull and confused.  When I am clear about my commitment, I am intentional and direct.

How we occur to those around us is based on a very simple intentional step of commitment.   True commitment means doing whatever it takes, not just what you know how to do, but whatever it takes to honor your commitment.  Be in action….be accountable, be true to your word as a leader.

Servant Leaders impact,influence and inspire those around them by being the example of accountability to their true commitments.  How are you holding yourself accountable to your commitments?

See me about a powerful ‘How Do You Occur’ exercise for self and teams.

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