Willing to Have Courageous Conversations?


Leading with a servant heart takes an act of courage.  Being open to communicate your beliefs, acknowledging you don’t have all the answers, and being authentic are qualities that will help you build relationships as a leader.  It all starts with a courageous conversation.

Courageous conversations create the most growth. 

I love this quote from an article by Maria Shriver, The Power of a Conversation.

I believe there is no more important time than right now to engage in calm, civil, conscious conversation with others. Conversations open hearts and minds. They make us stop, feel, connect, think. They give us insight, information and inspire us forward. What kind of conversation are you engaged in? With yourself, with others? Is it angry, abusive, critical, and judgmental? What comes of that?


One of my clients has hired me to conduct leadership development workshops throughout the year with their employees.  As part of our contract, I also get to serve them by spending time in their offices interacting with the employees, having conversations.  What I’m finding is that they find it easier to have the conversation/ story in their head, rather than having an actual conversation with a co-worker or supervisor.

Willing To Have Courageous Conversations?
Courageous Conversations are within all of us……

What is the story in your head? So often we avoid having conversations due to fear.  We personally place roadblocks in our way to avoid having the much needed courageous conversation. We are afraid to look stupid, or admit that we don’t know everything.

The supervisors of the company are also afraid of having these courageous conversations.  They don’t go out to their staff and say “How may I serve you today?”  They are telling the story that it may make them look weak.

The results are a lack of activity and forward movement, which stalls projects, wastes time and is not good for the bottom line of the company.

True progress takes place when we open our hearts by having the conversation, address any conflicts and clear the path so positive changes can take place.

“Courageous conversations aimed at resolution and truth are within all of us. Cast aside the fear that is not real and allow yourself to see the mutual benefit and the process becomes much easier.”

Start with “what happens if I have this conversation?”

“What happens if I don’t?”  You will literally shift an entire relationship and perhaps the course of a company by being courageous. It is in you!!

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