A Journey: Telluride to Moab


A Journey: Telluride To Moab

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.


Back in December I invited my way into a group that was planning to ride mountain bikes from Telluride, CO to Moab, UT. Easy right? Prints maps, pack gear and make sure you are in really good shape. So what do you do when you place something like a seven-day mountain bike ride on your calendar months in advance? Be honest. Do you cherish it, fear it and/or avoid the necessity to prepare. All were in place for me as spring came and went without much preparation at all. (I did ride indoors as often as possible, but I kept saying the training rides are coming so I will just train then.

Well, what happens when you have two beautiful boys every other weekend plus big chunks during the summer and you have a thriving coaching business? Notice I didn’t say I was busy because that is just an excuse. So why delay the important training to make sure one is ready for 220 miles in the saddle and 20K feet of vertical climbing? I believed I would make the time, prep like all the others and make sure my gear was in order and my bike in tip-top shape. Hell I am leadership coach. I have this!!

This Journey, any journey, always starts with intention and then planning. The WHY we want to go on a journey is normally never lost in the webs of life as this trip/experience was something to really look forward to as it was packed with potential to learn and challenge oneself. Not to mention community with other men, adventure, and the opportunity to push yourself physically and mentally. And finally, just great chunks of time to reflect, reset and create for the weeks following this wonderful excursion. Frankly, there we several hours during the ride where I just went to my nothing box and honestly can’t recall thinking much about anything.

“I showed up as a servant leader on this trip. I knew I would and I was told I did. But what was really cool was to recognize all the other servant leaders that were in this group. Just a great group of men who are really connected to who they are, what they want and why their lives are so full.”

What journeys are planned for you in the near future and early next year? Where will your imagination take you and where will your head and heart allow you to travel if you let them? My journey is titled Up and Over and then Up Again because the climbs, the challenges, the opportunities to serve (myself and others) just keep coming. You knew there was going to be massive climbing most of the days and some really awesome downhill sections. But the climbing is where you really get to think, wonder and plan.

Go out and create a journey with those you admire, feel challenged by or just loved ones. Put something on the books and make it everything you want it to BE.

In service,


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